Your Professional Mobile Notary on the Go!

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Q: How long do the procedures take?

A: It depends on the type of procedure being done, generally you should allow 3 -4 hours.

Q: Is it painful?

A: With this gentle manual technique all procedures are very comfortable. A very strong topical anesthetic is used to numb the area making this process virtually pain free. Some clients even fall asleep during their procedures (see testimonials page).

Q: What is the recovery time? Do I have to take time off from work?

A: You can return to work the very same day. The area around the site may look a little red or swollen for a couple of hours but returns to normal relatively quickly.

Q: Is there a risk for infection?

A: The risk for infection in very minimal. The procedures are performed in a sanitary and very sterile environment with implements that are 100% disposable. The same implement is never used for more than one procedure.

Q: How long will my permanent makeup last?

A: Permanent makeup softens over time. The rate of fading is determined by your skin type, exfoliating agents used and sun exposure. A color enhancement is recommended every few years but not necessary in all cases.

Q: What is used to apply the pigment? Is it a traditional tattoo gun?

 Softap gentle applicator

A: No, a manual hand held implement is used, this application is called SofTap. With the SofTap method strokes of color are gently deposited into the skin. This application technique also results in a more subtle and natural looking line.

Q: What inks or brand colors are used?

A: Only oxide-FREE pigments are used. Why? Iron-oxide pigments have a tendancy to change over time to; orange, purple, green or yellow.

Q: For the eyebrow procedure do you need to shave off my eyebrows?

A: No! We may want to tweeze out a few hairs but that’s to create the perfect shape and design that best fits you.

For more information please contact Mary at mary@bellave.com